Relationship with existing infrastructures

This project clearly builds on the facilities already present in CLARIAH and CLARIN-EU. CLARIN-EU offers transcription facilities with ASR (built by the consortium partners at CLST and HMI ) for diverse domains like Oral History and Parliamentary speeches, but so far these do not include the vocabulary needed for the pharmaceutical domain.

Through the HoMed project the consortium partners will be able to open up these facilities for more diverse, sensitive (and urgent) domains, and help facilitate a wider interdisciplinary use.

The project has also ties to the Care2Report project. This project aims to use speech recognition technology and action recognition technology to automatically record and summarize an interaction between a care provider and a patient. For its ASR-component it now severely relies on Google assistant. The project seeks an infrastructural solution that is GDPR compliant with a dedicated open access ASR for medicine related interviews, and that can be used for on-site AV-recordings. The CAIRE-lab project at Leiden-UMC is in a similar situation. HoMed therefore is complementary to these projects in providing the essential infrastructure for the speech recognition component that they need.


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