Recognising the voices of patients to
retrace the opinions about medicines (HoMed)

HoMed (Homo Medicinalis) will implement a SSH research infrastructure with an enormous potential for automatic transcription of sensitive audio-visual (AV) recordings. Its use case will focus on AV-recordings of medical consultations on the use of pharmaceuticals (henceforth ‘MedPharm’). MedPharm in practice shows situations where patients often appear not to be able to understand proper medicine use. To overcome unintentional medicine use we need to better understand the attribution of meaning to medicines. Therefore, recordings and transcriptions of patient consultations are needed.

In HoMed a standard automatic speech recogniser (ASR) for Dutch will be adapted to MedPharm discourses, since essential jargon is not part of the vocabulary of the current generic ASR. The ASR will be retrained on existing radio and tv data and on highly sensitive AV-recordings of patient consultations at Nivel. The resulting infrastructure will be made available:

CLARIAH logoT PWT klein as component of the ASR-service in CLARIAH’s Infrastructure
(accessible via the Media Suite)
Stichting open spraaktechnologie Logo RGB 1 as a service tool via Stichting OpenSpraaktechnologie to be used in similar projects
 Nivel logo as a standalone version of the infrastructure developed for Nivel, employed for sensitive data analysis under intramural conditions



HoMed is one of the 12 projectes granted by the PDI- SSH Foundation in the 2020 Call Digital Infrastructure SSH.

The application will fully comply with the GDPR.

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